


laughter造句在用"laughter"造句 - 查查在線詞典的討論與評價

Tears are as infectious as laughter can be . 眼淚跟笑聲一樣是會傳染的。 There was an outburst of laughter in the hall .. 大廳里迸發出一陣笑 ...


We shrieked with laughter when we realized how stupid we'd been. His stories had them in fits of laughter. Raucous laughter came from the next ...

laughter造句在laughter 造句/ 例句 - 趣词词典的討論與評價

laughter 造句 / 例句 · 1. But I need some laughter. · 2. How would they be recognised now - perhaps only by the sound of their laughter? · 3. I hear laughter all ...


    laughter造句在laughter - 英语_读音_用法_例句 - 海词词典的討論與評價

    laughter 的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译: · 详尽释义 · 双解释义 · 英英释义.

    laughter造句在laugh (【動詞】大笑, 笑)意思、用法及發音| Engoo Words的討論與評價

    "laugh" 例句 ; Laughing helps the body release stress. 大笑可以幫助你釋放壓力。 ; My baby laughs at everything. 我的寶寶對每件事情都會大笑。 ; The TV program made ...

    laughter造句在laugh 相關用法,你認識幾個呢? - 希平方的討論與評價

    字面意思是「擁有最後的笑」,也就是「笑到最後、得到最後勝利」的意思。例如:. Let's wait and see who is going to have the last laugh.(我們走著瞧 ...

    laughter造句在用laughter造句子三年级 - 字典的討論與評價

    laughter 基本释义. laughter. 英[ˈlɑ:ftə(r)] 美[ˈlæftə(r)]. laughter的近义词. 名词大笑; 笑,笑声; 〈古〉好笑的事; 〈美俚〉力量悬殊得可笑的体育比赛. 常用造句.

    laughter造句在用laughter造句 - 搜狗搜索的討論與評價

    89%的人还搜了 · 用record造句 用success造句 · 用confident造句 用contain造句 · laughter造句简单 用introduce造句 · 用million造句 用beauty造句 ...

    laughter造句在潮流英語- Scream your head off 大聲狂叫 - BBC的討論與評價

    和短語scream your head off 的使用方法相似,laugh your head off 的意思是長時間的放聲大笑。 I was laughing my head off while watching the film ...

    laughter造句在只知道FYI嗎?連歐巴馬都會講LOL...快學起來!10個網路超夯 ...的討論與評價

    相信大家常常都會看到LOL 這個用法,它其實就跟中文的「哈哈」是一樣意思的,雖然它的原意是laugh out loud,可是現在已經演變成非常普遍的回覆,沒有 ...

    laughter造句的PTT 評價、討論一次看
